Today At The Museum


Utopias of Liberty

To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the political emancipation of the Audiencia of Guatemala from Spain in 1821, the Museum of San Carlos University (MUSAC) and General Directorate of Research

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Tricentennial USAC

It presents the historical evolution of one of the first universities in the American continent, in the city of Santiago de Guatemala, whose foundation took a process of 128 years.

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Magical Quetzaltenango

It represents the cultural richness of the department through a collection of 42 images that reflect the beauty of its natural landscapes, neoclassical architecture around the Plaza Central, religiosity, traditions,

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El Ayer de Rina Lazo

Digital Pinacotheca of pictorial images to the Easel of Rina Lazo in Guatemala. The virtual art gallery entitled El Ayer de Rina Lazo consists of 54 images physically located in each home

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the Monthly Cultural Program

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