
Educational Program

In contemporary museums, education is an integral part, which is why MUSAC has an Educational Program; its objective is to serve our visitors, bringing them closer and making them delve deeper into the contents of the research presented in the exhibitions. It creates spaces for the promotion of culture in its diverse manifestations that allow us to establish communication and raise public awareness in compliance with the institutional mission.

The Program is in charge of annually planning the Educational Offering that motivates the participation of visitors through interactive methodologies used in non-formal education provided by the museums. Aware of the need to strengthen training programs at different educational levels, we offer opportunities for participation and approach to the museum, because the direct experience with heritage achieves significant learning that will turn students into potential museum visitors.


  • Sensitize the community about the leading role of museums in education.
  • Develop pedagogical programs according to the themes of exhibitions, cultural and educational activities.
  • Program, plan, execute and evaluate activities that facilitate the understanding of the theme of the exhibitions, aimed at different audiences.
  • Facilitate the Museum’s approach to visitors, providing them with knowledge about history, science, culture and art, which favors self-learning.
  • Raise educators’ awareness of the importance of becoming involved as multiplier agents of the Museum’s academic dimension.
  • Provide pedagogical support to the national education system.

Our Methodology

In attention to the different-levels curriculum, Educational Program has selected methods that can be used effectively and flexibly, aimed at the transfer of knowledge; taking into account its application under an innovative and critical dimension in the didactic action of museums.

The practiced techniques motivate participation and self-discovery that are adapted to the different audience groups, through directed discussion, dialogues, exposition and questioning that fosters a pleasant learning climate by implementing games and interactivity.

the Monthly Cultural Program

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