Hoy en el Museo

El Mural "Tierra Fértil de Guatemala", donado por la artista mesoamericana Rina Lazo, ubicado en el vestíbulo del Salón General Mayor, representa la riqueza de nuestra tierra con vasta vegetación, su mensaje está representado con una estela maya, figuras femeninas que simbolizan la fertilidad, un grupo familiar en la enseñanza de la labor de siembra y una vendedora con indumentaria maya, recolectora de los frutos de la tierra.

Rina Lazo, The Fertile Legacy

The exhibition is a tribute of the Museum of the San Carlos University (MUSAC), to the Guatemalan muralist for her friendship during her lifetime and to her memory in the first year of her death. 

Rina Lazo Wasem was born in Guatemala City in 1923. She began her studies in the workshop of Julio Urruela; later, she entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Guatemala, where she obtained an award to study at the School of Painting and Sculpture “La Esmeralda”, in Mexico. She graduated in 1946, joining the Mexican plastic arts.

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